Blog Commenting: Tips and Marketing Guide

Many of us would like to believe that its enough to have a great blog. Sadly, that’s not the way it works for anyone. In order to have a great flow of traffic to your blog (or website), you have to market yourself. You have to be seen everywhere. You also have to be seen as an influence. A great way to do that is by posting your comment on other blogs or forum posts. It’s a way of spreading yourself across the internet and bringing the attention of others to your blog.

But, that’s not as easy as it sounds. There are guidelines and etiquettes to this kind of marketing.

Blog Commenting: Tips & Marketing Guide

That’s what I am going to talk about in this post on blog commenting.

After all, you don’t want to end up looking silly down the line because of the attention you tried to get for yourself!

I will help you understand the value of your comments.

What Blogs Should I Comment On?

When you first get started with leaving your comment on other blogs, you might not know where to go. It’s important that you find other blogs within the same niche as your own.


  • People will be interested in a subject similar to what you write about.
  • People will be more interested in visiting your blog because it offers similar content.
  • People will be happy with what your blog has to offer.
  • People who post comment on these blogs will be more inclined to comment on yours.
  • You will be able to strike up a conversation with those blog visitors.

The first thing you’ll want to do is a Google search on whatever niche your blog is in.

For example, if you blog about making money online, search for “make money online”. Scroll through the websites, or use the “keyword” + “blog” combination in the search bar. This will bring up other blogs that are similar to yours.

From there, you’ll reference this tactical approach for blog commenting success.

  • Read entries posted on these similar blogs.
  • Read comments made by other readers.
  • Post a comment on those blog posts.
  • Reply on those comments.
  • Strike up a conversation with other readers.
  • Strike up a conversation with the blog post author.
  • Stay in touch by checking back on the comments made.

Most of the “bigger” blogs will have blog comments enabled, because it’s a great way to keep in touch with the readers. That means it’s a great way for you to get in touch with their readers as well.

Now, obviously, don’t leave your comment on blogs that have no relation to your own. You don’t want to go to a blog about fishing techniques if you blog has nothing to do with fishing. Get the point?

No one appreciates being tricked into visiting a blog. You want genuine readers who are going to be interested in what you’re saying. They’re going to read your comments, go to your blog, and keep checking back on your new posts. Those are the types of readers you’ll get by sticking to niche blogs and forums.

Leveraging social media for blog commenting

Social media is another great way to market and communicate with like-minded people.

  1. Twitter has “lists” – Get yourself on a few of these lists for bloggers in your niche and you’ll find different people with interests similar to yours.
  2. Facebook groups – Using Facebook groups is a great way to find other blogs that are similar to your own. It’s also a great way to strike up conversation with other blog readers by using the group page to leave a comment and ask questions.
  3. Instagram hashtags – There’s a good deal of people who use the Instagram hashtags to find people with interests similar to their own. They follow or post comment on posts. This is a good way to market, as well as make connections. You’ll find other bloggers doing the same thing.
  4. Tumblr – Tumblr tags, unlike other social media sites, can be followed. This means users are notified when something new is posted with a certain tag. This is a useful tool for bloggers, who often tag their username in posts. You can leave a comment and share and make good connections through this website.
  5. Pinterest boards – When it comes to social media marketing, Pinterest has the highest recommendation. This is because the images are easy to share, save, and distribute. You can also add comments to the images, and communicate with other people who shared the Pins.
  6. Hashtag – It doesn’t matter what social media website or application you’re using, the use of hashtags can multiply your audience greatly.

Yes, social media is mostly about marketing. But I couldn’t make a blog commenting guide without including the benefits of social media marketing. After all, commenting on an Instagram picture is related to blog commenting. Either way, the user and viewers are going to click-through if you seem interesting enough.

Keep that in mind. Make social media work for you!

When it comes to blog commenting and social media marketing, following the leader is a good game!

Follow blogs in your niche

Follows blogs that those blogs are following

  • Comment on those other blogs as well.

Follow people who comment regularly on those blogs

  • They are likely to follow you back.
  • This is likely to instigate conversation.
  • They will likely check out your blog.

Follow back on social media

  • You’re likely to be seen on more pages.
  • You’re likely to show up in “follow suggestions”.

Now that we’ve covered drawing attention to yourself, let’s talk about the kind of attention you don’t want drawn to yourself.

How to write a comment on a blog?

An important part of the comment marketing strategy is knowing what to say and when to say it.

While it’s very tempting to comment on everything with a “check out my blog” sentiment, that’s not going to get you very far.

Firstly, it’s annoying. Annoying messages, posts and comments are all likely to be ignored. That’s just a fact of the internet. No one wants to be spammed. So, avoid spamming.

The one thing most people don’t realize about those spam comments is that they can be traced back in the future. Let’s demonstrate:

  • Step 1: You make silly “check me out” comments on different blogs including blogs with less authority and a spammy link profile.
  • Step 2: People either go to your site or completely ignore your comments.
  • Step 3: You start learning how to write a comment properly.
  • Step 4: You build a loyal following.
  • Step 5: You’re big and popular and likely making money with your blog.
  • Step 6: Google indexes the comment backlinks pointing to you site, including the ones from spammy sites. You are penalized.
  • Step 7: You spend your hard-earned money to get those comments and links removed.
  • Step 8: Reputation damage and a loss of followers.

Alright, maybe that last bit is a slight exaggeration. But it’s true that the SEO rating of your blog can be affected by the comments that you’ve made which links back to your site. You may think that’s not big deal, but your rating affects different aspects of your blog. This ranges from popularity to search engine rankings.

Either way, it’s not fun to try and erase those steps once they’re made. It’s easier to just not make them in the first place. A good piece of advice to keep in mind is this:

There’s no point in leaving words if they don’t mean anything.

That being said, one of the best types of comments you can make are the helpful ones. These are answers to questions or advice to those who might be asking.

  • Everyone has questions.
  • People love someone who can offer them help or advice.
  • They’ll be appreciative of your attempt to help them.
  • They’re more likely to visit your blog if they like your answer.
  • You can ask related questions to get answers.
  • You can ask questions to strike up conversation with other readers.
  • Keep in mind that knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

Yes, you’re technically serving your own needs of gaining a readership. But, if you’re helping people along the way, that’s all that really matters. It’s all a part of building a relationship – both parties have needs.

They need an answer and you need exposure.

People also love someone who listens

  • Strike up a genuine conversation to make a lasting impact.
  • Reply to comments that interest you.
  • Push the conversation further with questions or provocative statements.

When you leave a comment, ideally, you want a response. This is not only a great way to gain readers, but to also make good connections.

 It doesn’t matter who initiates the conversation, as long as it’s initiated.

When you’re leaving a comment on someone’s blog, you don’t want to leave links. This is a serious mistake many people tend to make.

The comment body is never the place for a link unless you’re specifically asked by another commenter for the link to your blog or it’s really required to share something relevant. In such cases, it is acceptable to share your link. But if you aren’t asked for it, don’t assume someone wants it.

So, where can you share your blog link?

Forum signatures – Everyone shares a link to their blog/profile in the forum signatures.

URL boxes in the blog comment form – This isn’t present in all comment forms, but on the ones that have a URL link, you’re encouraged to post one.

The social media “website” box on your profile – That’s what it is there for, after all.

Your profile (especially if you’re using Disqus to comment) – If someone is visiting your profile (regardless of where) they are willing to see your blog link.

The rule for link-sharing is that it is okay to drop a link when required, or share it when asked for one. It’s actually encouraged. People will respect a link that is tastefully placed. But unprovoked, it’s never acceptable. It also comes across as too needy.

When it comes to sharing your links, it’s advised you use “deep links” whenever you can. This means don’t just link to your front homepage. Instead, you make your link to a blog entry or a featured post.

For example, if I am reading a blog post on starting a blog, I would leave the link to my blog post on how to start a blog instead of my homepage.

This means that anyone clicking your link will be more inclined to actually read something. Once they start reading, they will be inclined to read more, assuming you have great blog content.

Also, when you leave a comment on most sites, you’re often given the chance to input a URL back to your own site. This means that when someone clicks your name, it takes them to whatever URL you put in the box. Take advantage of that, but be creative. You can post a link to an entry that relates to your comment.

Let’s talk about the “first comment” situation

  • Time your comment so that you’re one of the first.
  • Many bloggers post at the same time every day. Follow this trend and comment accordingly.
  • Make sure you’re reading the entry fully before leaving a comment.
  • Rushing to comment can make you look sloppy.

Comments are listed from old to new

  • You’ll be one of the first comments seen on every view.
  • The post author pays more attention to the first few comments.
  • You’re more likely to be noticed.

Make your comment something relative and respectful

  • Use more than one sentence.
  • Say something intriguing.
  • Say something that will strike up a conversation or initiate a response.
  • Don’t just comment “first comment” because it’s silly.
  • Be considerate.
  • Don’t forget to share the blog post after commenting. Repost and see what you get in return on social media!

Let’s dive more into one of these statements: “Make sure you’re reading the entry fully before leaving a comment”.

Many pro bloggers struck up a challenge to see how many people were actually reading what they wrote. They included a phrase that contradicted the entire post. This was to test how many people actually paid attention to what they had written.

Yet, comments were still made about the rest of the post, proving that the entry hadn’t actually been read. You don’t want to be one of those people. So if you’re not going to bother reading the post, don’t bother commenting on it either.

You’ll also notice that many blogs have a lot of comments. It isn’t wise to comment on blogs like that because it’s unlikely your comment will be seen by anyone. A good rule to follow is that if your comment won’t be seen, it’s not worth leaving.

Tips & suggestions for blog commenting

Use your personal name (not a company name)

  • Your comment will feel more personal.
  • Readers will be inclined to reach out to you.
  • For comment forms that don’t allow URLs, they can still search you.

Use a real picture (not the standard icon)

  • Again, your comment will feel more personal.
  • Readers will know you’re not a robot or spam account.
  • People like to know who they’re talking to.

You’re also going to want to check back on the comments you’re making to see if anyone has replied directly to you. . This might be hard if you’re making many, so don’t overwhelm yourself.

When Do I Start Seeing Results?

This is a hard one to answer. The comment marketing strategy is not an “instant result” kind of thing. It takes a lot of time and energy. It’s more like gardening.

  • You have to carefully plant and water your comments.
  • You’ll see those comments sprout into the occasional visitors.
  • Then, you’ll finally see your comments blossom into full-blown readers.

But it doesn’t happen overnight. It can’t.

There are many marketing companies that claim they can send you organic readers for some amount of dollars. It’s all lies. Those claimed organic readers will simply visit your homepage. They don’t click into entries or go beyond the front page. Sure that can increase your views and traffic, but it’s not gaining you real exposure. You need real exposure to build on your connections.

The Sure, you may feel the urge to try and rush your readers. Or to start making real money through your blogging techniques (Blogging Tips for Beginners ) . But this is small time.

  • The real money, and real viewers, come from real-time.
  • The more time you put into your blog the better off you’ll be in the long run.
  • The more time you put into marketing, the more money you’ll be able to make.
  • It takes a while to find something worth commenting on.
  • It takes a while to see an increase in traffic from your blog comments.
  • You have to just keep making connections.
  • Keep leaving worthwhile foot prints.
  • Keep going.
  • You will notice a change, though it will be slow at first.
  • But it’s just like everything else: When you rush it, it’s sloppy. When you take the time it needs, it’s beautiful.

You will need to evolve your strategy over time. You’ll notice some strategies work better than others. Go with what you feel is working the best for you.

Most blogging platforms have the option to track your visits. This shows you where most of your viewers are clicking in from. If you notice a lot of traffic from certain sites, keep putting your energy into those. If you notice others don’t get any traffic, maybe leave them behind. Make sure that your time is not being wasted. After all, you’re putting a lot of energy into it.

Let’s reiterate some of the ways you can damage your traffic results:

  • Posting unnecessary comments that don’t relate to the blog post.
  • Not reading the blog post from start to finish.
  • Comment spamming with your website link.
  • Having bad quality content on your blog.
  • Not advertising well enough.
  • Not placing your advertisements appropriately.
  • Commenting on a blog that’s full of comments.

Blog commenting: Additional information you might find useful

One of the biggest mistakes in blog commenting comes from one-track minds. Those of you who are just looking to be seen everywhere. Or looking for back links and other SEO intentions. This kind of thinking actually narrows you down, and will gain you less followers in the long run.

Yes, you want to be seen. But you want to be seen in the right way by the right people. If you’re seen by the right people as a lord of spam comments, you’re going to be ignored.

  • I can’t stress this enough. Spam gets ignored.
  • Ditch the SEO mindset.
  • Ditch your selfish intentions.
  • Step outside of your “I need readers” mentally.

Instead, pretend you’re just an average person reading through blog posts and looking to make friends.

Express your opinions and have fun with the blog commenting process. This will look and feel organic. Both to you and those who are reading your comments.

Organic comments are more likely to drive organic readers to your blog. This is very important, considering readers are what makes a blog money.

This comment strategy process is all about building relationships. It’s less about the advertising. You can do that in many other ways. But blog commenting is about building a readership from scratch. It’s about finding people who might be interested in striking up a conversation. It’s work, energy and very rewarding if it’s done correctly.

But that’s really it: You have to remember that you’re a person looking to make connections with like-minded people. You wouldn’t want someone to come to your blog and comment spam, right?

You know the age-old advice:

If you wouldn’t want something done to you, don’t do it to other people

That’s a great thought to keep in the back of your mind.

Now, you’ve been trained on where to comment and what to say when you get there. The rest is up to you. You have to leave lasting impressions on the people you encounter. You have to offer good advice and real answers. You have to be genuine and others will be genuine in return.

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