There is scarcity in the actual understanding of off page optimization for improving SEO by all those who must understand it , It may be either who are just starting to blog or who have run their own blog for a while. On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO with their implementation is really very confusing if not daunting !
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Best SEO Off Page optimization Techniques |
As popularly know as SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. This technique is all about how to construct the web pages and how to implement techniques to help page rank higher in search engine result pages (SERP). The higher your pages rank on Search Engine like Google / Bing/ Yahoo’s results pages, the more traffic your site is likely to get.
Ranking on Page 1 of SERP and ranging on Page 2 means a world to blogger and site owner. 90% of search result on page 2 do not get click. Off page optimization can go a long way in achieving your goal.
As the circumference of SEO is increasing, and the demand is booming day by day, you must be ready to be bombarded with new inventions and innovations, yesterday learning is outdated by tomorrow. One must Updates his knowledge by reading popular SEO blogs.
As a SEO Professional, I will suggest some the factors that deal with off-page optimization for SEO. Below is must use SEO off-page common list and few advanced option that will help. Use this Strategies to rank in search engines, and to build online reputation (branding).
If you want to learn SEO On-Page click hear.
You know the top reason to fail in SEO is as follows :
- Unable to identify what work what does not work . ( Lack of Information)
- Unable to work and implement what technique work. (Lack of Action)
1. Community in Social Networking Sites
Alternatively known as online reputation management, this must be first and foremost step to initiate with. You must create profiles in popular social networking sites like Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Instagram, Pin-interest etc. By doing so you will extend your network online, if you are active and show your participation on a regular basis, you can see the wonder coming out of the box in terms of traffic… traffic….traffic.
Social Networking is bigger than ever before, They are the perfect medium these days to advertise, market, Sale and build your online reputation within your niche. I mean the effects are mind blowing. You can use many software to do the same.
2. Blogging for Off Page Optimizing
There is no better way than Blogging to promote website online! Ask any blogger and they will vouch for that. By adding a blog for a website, a influential reason is added for the visitors to keep returning. It also helps search engines to crawl site more frequently, as they have to update the latest blog post entries, which ultimately support your blog rank to go higher in search engine results pages (SERP).
For Blogging you need to produce and include lots of unique content at regular interval. The topic which can be included can be Top Lists….., How To…., Best Suggestion…. , Tutorials on …… , Viral Videos……., etc. Be clear and concise in what you are trying to convey to your readers within your posts. If writing is not your taste, then you could always hire a guest blogger for blog from freelancer website or fiver and ask them to write precise and unique content, so that your blog can rank better in search engine result page.
Blog Marketing can also be done by Posting comments on other blogs within the same niche as yours, thereby giving link to your site. These links are very vital as they help search engine to crawl your blog page, helping them to point towards your site.
3. Social Bookmarking
Another excellent technique to promote your website is through social bookmarking. Submit your latest blog posts and pages to the most popular bookmarking sites, like StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. Search engines really like these types of sites because the content on the sites is updated very frequently. This is by far the easiest and most effective off page optimization technique. You should be cautious while using this section and must properly handle the tags which are very mandatory to broadcast your news on network. If done correctly will increase your traffic.
4. Article Submission
To reach more traffic source you must branch out, and the use of article directory sites like;Ezine, Go Articles, Now Public, etc. can assist in increasing traffic to your website, as well as gaining links from other websites. You can also try
5. Forum Marketing
This is an extension of earlier point, Not single most effective but most ignored one. One must find forums that are related to the niche and start their to engage your audience. As these are popular forum having huge foot fall , the visibility is more in the crowd.
To engage you can reply to threads, answer peoples questions, offer advice, etc. This will helps to build up your reputation as an expert within that niche. Find and participate in “Do-Follow” Forums and include your signature link with your website address of your blog , which helps search engines crawl your site.
6. Search Engine and Directory Submission
To speed everything up, you must submit your website to the Goggle, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, Alexa, Lycos, Exite etc. Doing nothing will also make Search engines find your site online, but that will take longer time.
Directory submission is dead ! That’s in Air but I firmly believe that it isn’t . The selection of the Directory are important , anything without R&D may not yield result. The submission can be done to general directories, but for best result , you are better off submitting to niche directories. Result might be delayed, but it is worth doing it. You can use DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, Onemission, ZoomInfo etc.
click on the link for a detailed list of directory.
7. Photo Sharing
One of the most hot off page optimization tool. You must use photo on your site, and those photo can be shared on major photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, Instagram, Photo bucket etc. Other people will be able to see them and comment on them, include your link in the location so that those using reach to your site.
9. Video Marketing
One of the most prominent and better result oriented off-site SEO, you must submit video to sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe etc. embedding your link to allowing people to find your content and reach to your site by that medium. Since this medium is very popular you can leverage the traffic of theirs.
10. Google PPC Campaign
Not a free tool, its a paid one, Why included in between free because the output is fantastic and you can control the overall effect, you can control the investment, you can control the rate by bidding , you can control the reader demography.
11. IMT submitter tool
You can use the online submitter tool which will safely submit your website to different WHY, HOWS, site detail , site analytic kind of websites. Which will give increase link to your blog or website and thereby will increase the quality score.
If you don’t spam, this is another great way to increase your link popularity. this off page optimization process must be followed when you have decent amount of quality content.
12. Business Reviews
Not very much stressed upon, but a Definite YES step to be performed. One must get reviews about business in major business review sites like Stylefeeder, Shvoong,, RateitAll, Kaboodle, etc. These are popular bookmark/review sites which has a great impact on overall rating.
13. Local Listings
If you are focusing on local business , you must go local and get your business from their, list yourself in the local directories, which will be fruitful going ahead. This will help to reach a targeted audience locally. Submit your website to sites like Google Local, Google Maps, Yahoo Local, Yellow Pages, etc. You can also promote your brand use Google Ad-word locally.
14. Social Shopping Network
Google Product Search, Yahoo Online Shopping, MSN Online Shopping , Kaboodle, Style Feeder, etc and other such major social shopping network sites increase the likelihood of target audience finding your products. Specifically important for e-commerce or product based website, they facilitate advertising and branding your products for free .
15. Answer Questions
Apart for forum engagement , blog commenting one must also actively participate in, resolving query on popular sites like Yahoo improves you off page optimization effort . Yahoo is a high traffic attracting site. You will need to have a yahoo account for doing so. Remember that by answering relevant query on your niche, you build up your reputation as a knowledgeable someone who is a expert in your chosen field.
That’s all for now, Hope you enjoyed/refreshed learning ways of off-page optimization for SEO. You can share or tweet and spread love and information on this page.
In this article, we have learned about the Best SEO Off Page optimization Techniques. If you like it please do share it with friends.